Saturday, March 6, 2010

We cooked some wonderful steaks outside on a fire made of oak, Mmmmmm

Wow, the weather today is wonderful! My wife and I worked outside and also cooked some yummy steaks on an oak fire. We enjoyed our day very much. The steaks came out so good that we just ate and ate. Even our little dog sat at attention and begged for a morsel. We put our yard swing back together and sat on it to eat. All in all we had a very wonderful day. My wife and I commented to each other how much we love our life here in the remote country area we live in. So much peacefulness, quiet, and nature around us. We have freedoms that city dwellers can’t imagine. I know, I know, we don’t have instant access to shopping, theatre movies, dancing, etc, but we don’t miss any of that. We can easily travel to the city if we wish, but when we get tired we return here to paradise.

We also cut some trees today that were shading our garden. Hopefully now enough sunshine can come in to make our garden grow more quickly than it did last year, and produce more. Here in the mountains we have a very limited growing season so we need every advantage we can get. I can’t wait for my wifes yummy garden veggies. So much to look forward too, so little time lol!

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