Thursday, March 4, 2010

Encouragement for Surviving Mesothelioma

One of the most dreaded words we can hear our doctor say is Mesothelioma. Its a cancer that is caused by past experiences in our life involving breathing air containing asbestos. Until strict guidelines were passed concerning asbestos, there were many products containing it, such as insulation, and brake liners for cars and trucks. Many different jobs exposed people to this dreadful product, even people serving in navy ships were often exposed, as were electricians, plumbers, pipefitters, and auto mechanics. If you would like to read more about Mesothelioma cancer let me recommend that you check out the link and take a look at a book written by a man named Paul Kraus. The name of his book is Surviving Mesothelioma and it is his story about his own experiences with the disease. It is not intended to replace medical care or to diagnose. It is only mean't to share his experiences and give practical advice on how to give a sufferer of mesothelioma better odds on beating or surviving the disease. These books are not for sale. They are free and can be very helpful and encouraging to you if you have mesothelioma. Paul Kraus was diagnosed with mesothelioma in 1997 and given only a few months to live. He is still alive today and has a good quality of life. He didn't give up and neither should you. Go check out the website and order your free book of encouragement today.

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