Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Caves, horseshoes, and target shooting
Monday, August 17, 2009
My wife and I took a nice motorcycle ride to the Golden Museum
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Chickens, dogs, and summer heat
My wife and I are still working on building our chicken house. Now we have the walls all built, and next we have to put on the roof and build a door. Then we will put in some roosts for the chickens. We ordered our chickens last night so they should be coming in the mail pretty soon. We got fifty while chickens that will be just for meat, and we got thirty five chickens that are different colors and breeds. Those will be our laying chickens and they were pretty expensive. We are excited to get them. We also have to build our pen to keep them in. The house is just for them to sleep in at night or when the weather is bad. Our chicken house is built from native oak from a local sawmill and it is a very strong house! I think it would stand through more abuse than our house that we live in. We are proud of it and we have worked very hard in the summer heat to build it. Hopefully we can get the wire fence put up this weekend so our pen will be finished. We will have to heat the little house at night, even though it is summer, because the chickens we ordered will only be a few days old when we get them. They won't have any feathers yet and will get cold easily. This is our first venture into raising animals so we are excited. Well we do have one rooster and our little dog Blanche so I guess its not our very first venture. Blanche is so cute. She is half Bassett Hound and half something else. We think Beagle. She is long and low to the ground, not real smart, but she makes up for it with exuberance for life and friendliness. She chases the wildlife here all the time lol. The deer and squirrels fear and dread her mightily! Anyway, I will put in a picture of our new chicken house when we get it finished, and when our chickens get here I will post some pics of them also. Have a great weekend everyone!
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Chickens, pens, and houses
My wife and I have decided that we want to have some chickens, so we will have more healthy meat to eat, and also fresh eggs. This weekend we bought stuff to build a chicken house and a pen for them. We worked out in the heat on the chicken house and we got a lot accomplished. Its not going to be a beautiful house but maybe the chickens will think it is. We have found some chickens online and surprisingly they can be mailed to our local post office. Its illegal to ship them right to our door because the postal service are not allowed to leave them without knowing how long it will be before someone gets home and finds them.
I read a few years ago that although it has been proven that eggs have high cholesterol, fresh eggs from chickens that eat mostly what nature provides, don't have much cholesterol. Now my wife and I can eat all the eggs and chicken we want and won't have to worry about our health so much. I'll keep you posted on how the pen and house are coming. Still lots of work to do. Then its onward and upward to build a porch for the house, and lots more work we have planned. Everyone have a great week!
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Flu, songs, dancing, and guitars
I guess flue season must be here because I just recovered from it. The flu not the season. At least I hope I am recovered from it. I was so sick that I nearly decided to go lie down at the funeral home for awhile, just in case! Anyway I feel better now but I'm starting to think that flue vaccinations may be worthwhile. Now I'm just hoping that my wife doesn't get it too. Maybe we all should get flu shots to make sure that we don't have some miserable days aching and sick. I went to work even though I had the flu and it was pretty much the longest day of my life. I didn't think I could bear to stay but I made it, a minute at at time. When quitting time finally came I staggered to my truck, came home, and went to sleep in my chair. Then it was a little chicken noodle soup, and lots more sleep. Today I felt better.
I just downloaded Billy Curringtons song, God is great, beer is good, people are crazy and that pretty much expresses my sentiments sometimes, although I don't drink beer. Its a catchy song and matches his voice. I don't usually like the newer music, no matter what genre it is, but the song took my fancy and I downloaded it. Now my wife and I have been listening to it over and over and she likes it too and can't be still when it plays lol. She loves music and her body moves naturally when an enjoyable song plays. I on the other hand have no coordination below the waist. I like to play music and used to play in bands, even made a couple of records and was on tv, but dance I can't do. If anyone was ever born with thumbs on their feet it must have been me. Someday when I get enough energy to walk to the next room I will take pictures of some of my guitars and post here. I have one that is a 5 string fretless bass guitar, handmade. I don't play very often nowadays but I need to get back into it, at least for fun. Everyone have a great upcoming weekend!
Sunday, August 2, 2009
What a mess I made today
My wife and I live in the country and we decided that we want to get some chickens. We need a chicken house of course so they have a place to stay at night so today I had this bright idea that I could move a small old hunting cabin our our property to the site where want out chicken pen to be. I thought it would make a nice chicken house. Well, it probably would have, except that when I hooked the tractor to it and started pulling it, it fell apart a piece at a time lol. I got it to within 50 feet of where we wanted to put it and it just fell to pieces. What a mess and right in the yard too. So we spent half the day cleaning up the mess it made and I got stung 2 times by wasps, and sunburned. I'm going to be glad to go back to work tomorrow because I need some rest! We mowed our lawn today and then I mowed some extra with the tractor and brush cutter. All that before I broke the cabin. Its been a long day, but you know what? Its still been a great day, because I got to spend it with my lovely sweet wife. We enjoy each others company so much and when I told her that I messed up by trying to move the cabin she just said, "no you didn't". I told her that next time I get a bright idea to tell me "nooooooooo don't do that". Anyway, half of today was pretty productive and the other half wasn't. I really thought that old cabin would hold together for the short distance I had to move it. Now I'm inside nursing my wasp stings and having a drink. A shower never felt so good.
Yesterday my wife and I cooked outside on an open fire. I have another post below describing how we do it. The food is soooo good. We cooked shish-ka-bobs, shrimp, crawfish, and veggies and it was all good.
I hope all of you had a wonderful weekend and hope the coming week is fruitful for you.
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